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Friday, January 4, 2008

Expat Wife gets dropped for Thai Girl

I found this interesting E-mail blog from an expat wife who lost her husband and the father of her kids in Bangkok to a Thai woman.. well, to probably more than one.

"He's a night owl and he thinks that me expecting him to stay home when I go to bed at 10 (because I get up at 5:50 with the kids) is absurd. He says hey, we are living in the great urban area, like Greenwich Village, and I am being ridiculous to expect him to be home by 11.
Of course, they don't have bars full of beautiful women there who will give you a BJ for 20 bucks either…..
For a while, I would call him in the middle of the night when I woke up when he still wasn't home. Sometimes he would answer, usually not (loud music being his excuse ) Now I just don't call him at all when this happens….I'm tired of being put in that position and feeling like such a shrill, desperate loser."

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