Are you really going to drink both whiskey and two bottles of wine, he asked with a worried look. You sober people do not understand this, she said and took a gulp of the wine. Please leave me to be at least a bit destructive in case the plane would fail and crash.
We're at home now. I never though I could miss a thing of material to this extent, but this boat - our home - most definitely have gotten me addicted. We both feel restless and anxious and worried as soon as we've been away from her for more than a day and it is hard to even imagine what strong bonds of attachment and separation anxiety one must experience when having own kids of flesh and blood to worry about, when only a boat can make you feel this much pain. Anyways, we're at home now and all is good. We'll be finalizing the last preparations tomorrow and then we're meant to be off for a long journey across the Atlantic. Can't wait to get it all started. /T
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